Should you be registering for GST?

Have you started a small business and want to know more about your GST options? Well, look no further.  GST (Goods and Services Tax) is a tax that is added to most goods and services usually at a rate of about 15%. If you sell goods or services then you may want to look into […]

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Provisional Tax

Provisional Tax For Small Businesses

Need an extra hand managing your income tax? Well, provisional tax can help! Provisional tax can help you manage your income tax by paying instalments during the year instead of a huge lump sum at the end of the year. So, how do you know if you have to pay provisional tax? You’ll have to […]

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You are getting audited

Is your business ready for a wage subsidy audit?

It may seem like a lifetime before our economy goes back to normal again, but New Zealand is turning around a lot faster than any other country. And while you may be preparing for your next steps as a business, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) have initiated the extreme task of auditing some applications […]

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Tax Relief Options

What tax relief options are available?

Is your business still facing the consequences of COVID-19 – even in level one? Well, look no further… IRD has provided us with some tax relief and income assistance if your business has had a major drop in revenue over the past few months.  If you feel as though you are struggling to pay your […]

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Loans from NZ Govt

What is the new small business scheme?

The new Small Business Cashflow Scheme (SBCS) means that small to medium business owners (including sole traders and the self-employed) may be able to grab themselves a one-off loan if they have been negatively affected by Covid-19.  If you have had a huge loss in revenue during the lockdown period and now your business is […]

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Save Your Business from Covid-19

Save Your Business from COVID-19

Who would’ve thought that 2020 was going to be the year of a pandemic? And boy has it hit NZ businesses hard! With over hundreds of local New Zealand businesses in fear that they will have to close their doors for good, it’s no surprise that many business owners will be doing anything they can […]

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Covid-19 Business Continuity Package Advisory

We are keeping this post updated throughout the NZ Covid-19 pandemic. Keep checking back here or on our Facebook page for the information. With everything happening right now in New Zealand we wanted to give our clients a simpler run down on what actually the Government is offering in their Business Continuity Package. Click here […]

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Don't offer discounts

Why You Shouldn’t Offer Discounts In Your Business

Want to boost sales in your business? Then don’t offer a discount! Sounds strange, doesn’t it? As often a common strategy for getting some quick dollars in the door is to have a sale or offer a discount. But, you could actually be doing your business harm by using this tactic. In fact, it could […]

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Chasing Debt

What To Do When You Have An Outstanding Invoice

Cash flow is a key component in the success of any business. Without it, you will soon find yourself in financial hot water. If you don’t have funds coming into your accounts regularly, then you may not have money available to pay your bills or wages when they are due. One of the biggest threats […]

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Bookkeeper and Accountant

The Difference Between An Accountant And A Bookkeeper

As a business owner, you know that you need an accountant. After all, who will do your taxes at the end of the year without a numbers whizz? But then, the term bookkeeper gets thrown in the mix… what do they do? Bookkeepers and accountants both look after the various aspects of your business finances. […]

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